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If you want to know just how funny your stand-up comedy act truly is (or any other comedian’s act for that matter)…
This report will show you step-by-step how to do just that using your smartphone — with apps you already have on it (or can get for free).
But let’s start with this so that you thoroughly understand what I am talking about.
Many people are under the impression that stand-up comedy performances can only be evaluated subjectively, without the benefit of any sort of viable or associated objective information or data.
This is blatantly false. There is some significant and potentially beneficial objective data that can be easily obtained for ANY stand-up comedy performance.
And you don’t need Comedy Evaluator Pro to do it (it’s just faster and easier to do).
So in this report, I am going cover:
- Objective Performance Data: What Does That Mean?
- Why Objective Performance Data Matters
- How To Conduct A Comedy Performance Evaluation Without Comedy Evaluator Pro
- Using Objective Performance Data To Your Advantage
- The Advantages Of Using Comedy Evaluator Pro
Objective Performance Data: What Does That Mean?
The foundation for easily conducting a stand-up performance evaluation on any recorded video (TV or online) or audio to produce objective and actionable data is based on these concrete and readily verifiable facts:
Fact #1: The length of time for comedian’s performance can be measured, whether that performance is 3 minutes long or 60 minutes long.
Fact #2: A comedian is either talking or the audience is laughing (or not laughing which, means the comedian is mostly talking).
Fact #3: Each audience laugh takes up a period of time (usually 1-4+ seconds in length depending upon the strength of the punchline) and can be measured.
Fact #4: The total number of seconds of audience laughter a comedian makes happen during each minute of their performance can be measured.
Fact#5: During an comedian’s performance, the number of audience laughs they generate each minute during that performance can be counted (only fingers are usually needed for this).
Using these facts, the following aspects of a comedy performance can either be counted or accurately measured to provide the objective data metrics:
- The length of a comedian’s performance
- The number of laughs they generated in any minute of their performance
- The length (in seconds) of each individual audience laugh
- The length (in seconds) of the audience laughter that happened in each performing minute.
- A ratio can be calculated based on the total duration of all laughs (in seconds) in relation to the length of the stand-up comedy performance (in seconds) to provide an objective indicator of the overall performance level achieved.
These time measurement data points are easy to obtain and can provide some very powerful, actionable information for those comedians who choose to use these data points to propel their stand-up comedy routine to the next level.
Why Objective Performance Data Matters
Headline level comedians are able to consistently generate an average of 18+ seconds of laughter per minute for every performing minute they are performing on stage.
This is easily verifiable using pro comedian videos on YouTube, your fingers and a stopwatch app on your phone as I describe below.
This verifiable information alone gives you some very important information most new comedians are never aware of or have access to which is:
This can also be expressed as a percentage of time the audience spends laughing and talk (delivery) time — for example, an average of 18 seconds of laughter for every performing minute means 30% (PAR Score 30) of those performing minutes were filled with laughter.
Also, in order to generate these sorts of laughter numbers, professional comedians must usually deliver 4-6+ punchlines that get laughs each each performing minute.
This information can provide some valuable insight from any recorded stand-up comedy act such as:
#1: Your true performance level as compared headline level comedians. If you know that headline level comedians generate an average of 18+ seconds of laughter each minute they are on stage, then that should be your goal and you should not settle for less.
Simply characterizing your stand-up comedy in subjective terms like:
- Hit or miss
- Killing it
- Getting better
- Working on it
- It’s a process
- Inching closer
Well, with those sorts of general statements, you don’t really know definitively where you stand or what performance level you actually performing at.
But by simply calculating the number of seconds of audience laughter measured related to how many seconds performed…
You can easily have solid, objective performance numbers that demonstrate precisely how funny your stand-up comedy truly is.
Most new comedians truly have no earthly idea about just how funny their stand-up comedy act is from any sort of objective stand point.
But probably the single most valuable aspect of being to generate this type of objective overall performance numbers is this:
#2: You can produce independent, accurate and confidential information about just how funny your stand-up comedy act is. Having access to this type of information is far more valuable than any kind of subjective feedback from other comedians (the accuracy of which can be widely variable).
And no one else need know (unless you tell someone) that you are conducting performance evaluations to know where you really stand in your performance levels or that you are using this data to improve your performances.
Since your data is based on actual measured time results, feedback from other comedians, comedy club staff, talent buyers, talent scouts, agency representatives, etc. is simply not required in order for you to know with certainty if you are performing at headliner level and if not, just how close to that performance level you are.
Again, most comedians will never know about the availability to generate this sort of valuable and actionable information for improving their comedy performances.
Oddly enough, they all have a smartphone they could use to do what I am talking about in this report.
For those who do get it and understand what I am talking about, the value of this information can be summed up in this statement:
When it comes to your stand-up comedy performance levels, there is a HUGE different between guessing and knowing.
But not only that…
#3: There is additional objective data you can produce and use immediately for performance improvement. This includes laughs per minute, the accumulated time the audience spent laughing (in seconds) for each performing minute and the length of each laugh generated (in seconds).
So let’s talk about how you can conduct an objective performance evaluation without using Comedy Evaluator Pro and the advantages for using it for this process.
How To Conduct A Comedy Performance Evaluation Without Comedy Evaluator Pro
As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need Comedy Evaluator Pro to produce solid, valuable and objective data about your stand-up comedy performances.
You need just three items to conduct objective performance evaluations on your stand-up comedy act:
Item #1. An audio or video recording of your stand-up comedy act. The easiest way to do this is by using your smartphone to get an audio recording and that is covered in this report.
Item #2: A stopwatch. Check to see if your smartphone has a stopwatch app on it already. If not, you can most likely get one for free from the app store associated with your phone.
If you want to really go “old school” you can get a cheap stopwatch from Amazon for $6-$12.(#ad)
But seriously, check your phone first – you probably have a stopwatch function available on it already..
Item #3: Some paper and a pen or pencil (this is not for calculations – you should have a calculator on your phone for that already).
So let me be perfectly clear so that there is no misunderstanding – you probably already have every function you need to get objective performance data about your stand-up comedy performances on your smartphone already — if not, you can get the apps you need for free.
You simply need to know what to do and how to produce the performance data you need — I will show you exactly how to do that at NO cost to you at all.
Also note that the calculations that you will make using your smartphone calculator are NOT rocket science — I am talking about simple division and multiplication. So don’t freak out if math isn’t your thing.
Before I move forward, please note — you will need to do multiple reviews of a single recording to get all the various objective performance data possible that Comedy Evaluator Pro produces in a single performance evaluation. You will understand why shortly.
Getting Your Overall Performance Level
You need just two measured numbers — the number of seconds of the performance you are evaluating and the number of total seconds of laughter generated during that performance to know your overall performance level.
To do this part of the evaluation, have your stopwatch ready and start your recording. Each time the PAR starts (Positive Audience Response = audience laughter, cheering or applause), activate the stopwatch and when the PAR stops (or you start talking), deactivate the stopwatch (do not reset the stopwatch to zero each time).
Once you have the total number of seconds of PAR that you produced during that entire recorded performance, here are the simple formulas you use to determine your overall performance levels (use the calculator on your phone):
(Total PAR Seconds / Total Performance Seconds) x 100
This will provide you with the percentage of your performance that was filled with PAR. Headliner level performance levels are consistently 30%+ (or a PAR Score of 30)
Using the same numbers, you can easily get your average seconds of PAR each minute using this formula:
Total PAR Seconds / (Total Performance Seconds / 60)
Note: The reason you divide the total performance seconds by 60 is to get a decimal number for the performance time (including a partial last minute) to use in the calculation.
Both of these overall performance values are the same — the difference is in the manner in which the data is represented. Comedy Evaluator Pro calculates these values automatically (and more) based on user input similar to using a stopwatch.
Seconds Of PAR For Each Minute
Using the stopwatch method, you will need to re-review each individual performing minute (and the remaining partial minute) of your performance to make this determination.
While this will increase the amount of time needed to produce this data, it is a great indicator for:
- Knowing which performing minutes of your performance are at a high level and which are not.
- Identifying performing minutes that punchlines aren’t working or aren’t working well
- Identifying the performing minutes that either need more punchlines and/or the set-ups are too long
Note: This information is the most valuable for targeted performance improvement activities. Comedy Evaluator Pro produces this data and the overall performance data previously mentioned in a single review.
Laughs (PAR Events) Per Minute
While this objective data is easy to obtain (only basic counting is needed), it is the least valuable for performance improvement for this reason:
Let’s assume that a comedian is generating 6 laughs per minute. If the length of those laughs is only 1 second, only 10% of their performance (PAR Score 10) is generating laughter which is not optimal.
The easiest way to determine the number of PAR events generated during a performance, simply start the recording of your comedy performance and simply count and write down the number PAR Events that occur in each minute.
However much more valuable information about individual PAR events not only includes the number of them generated, but the duration of each PAR event as well.
Which ties directly to this data…
Duration Of Each PAR Event In Any Performing Minute
The duration of any PAR event during any performing minute is a direct indicator of the power of your punchlines. Stronger punchlines generate longer laughs, weaker punchlines generate shorter laughs.
However, this specific information can be time consuming and difficult to obtain using the stopwatch method because you will need to operate the stopwatch in one hand while listening to a recording of your performance and write down the seconds for each PAR Event as they occur (resetting the stopwatch for each PAR Event to get an accurate time measurement).
This data is provided by Comedy Evaluator Pro automatically during a single performance review along with the other performance evaluation data previously described.
Now let’s talk about how you can use the objective performance data you can produce, whether by simple counting, using a stopwatch or using Comedy Evaluator Pro.
Using Objective Performance Data To Your Advantage
This information is covered in detail in this report:
How Comedy Evaluator Pro Can Give Comedians A Significant Edge
But in a nutshell, here’s why producing and using objective performance data can give you an advantage over other comedians:
- You know your true performance level as a comedian, without the need for subjective input from anyone.
- You know exactly which parts of your act need the most attention first and which parts you need to leave alone.
- Any data you obtain regarding your performances is confidential and only known to you (unless you share it with someone).
And you can obtain most of the objective data you need without using Comedy Evaluate Pro.
The Advantages Of Using Comedy Evaluator Pro
Here’s what Comedy Evaluator Pro brings to the process of evaluating comedy performances:
Significant time savings: Only one review is needed to produce ALL the objective data possible without the need for multiple reviews required by using the stopwatch method.
Count and duration of each PAR event. As I mentioned before this can be challenging and time consuming using the stopwatch method to produce this important data but is included automatically for each whole (and the last partial) performing minute when using Comedy Evaluator Pro.
Report generation: All your objective performance data is provided in a single report that can be printed or a screen shot can be obtained for your records to refer to in order to review to see how effective your performance activities have been.
In a nutshell, it’s easier, faster and more efficient to get ALL the objective performance evaluation data you need using Comedy Evaluator Pro than with any other method.
As you move forward in your quest to generate the biggest laughs possible in your stand-up comedy routine, keep this in mind:
Most other comedians (especially new comedians) will never even know that they can easily produce some objective and very valuable information about their stand-up comedy routine, much less be able to use that information for targeted performance improvement.
What I think is very exciting for those who are new to stand-up comedy when it comes to producing and using objective performance data is this:
Comedians don’t have to hold the “title” of headliner comedian in order to know beyond a shadow of a doubt for themselves that they are developing and delivering headliner level stand-up comedy and generating headliner level laughter, cheering or applause from the LIVE audiences they appeal to with their unique style and sense of humor.
And having objective metrics, along with minute-by-minute analysis of any stand-up comedy performance will tell any comedian specifically and objectively which parts of their stand-up comedy act are rock solid and which parts need revision or improvement can potentially shave years off the time it takes for a comedian to reach headliner audience reaction levels.
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