This page contains links to all available Comedy Evaluator Pro (CEP) user reports which are provided to assist users in getting the greatest possible benefit when using the software for performance evaluations.
Reports specifically for Mobile Device Users follow the Core Reports. A Related Offsite Article section is provided at the bottom of the page.
Core Reports (All Users)
How Comedy Evaluator Pro Can Give Comedians And Speaking Pros A Significant Edge
This report provides specific information on how Comedy Evaluator Pro can be used to provide not only an objective indication of overall performance levels for a stand-up comedy performance, but also covers what the detailed minute-by-minute data can reveal for targeted performance improvement.
Use Your Smartphone Now To Know Objectively Just How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is
If you want to know just how funny your stand-up comedy really is, this detailed report provides step-by-step instructions on how do just that using your smartphone and common apps that are probably already installed (or you can get for free).
How Audience Dynamics Directly Impact Comedy Performance Levels
Audience dynamics have a direct impact on the laughter results that any comedian can generate during any particular performance and the evaluation results produced by Comedy Evaluator Pro. This report provides specific information about audience dynamics every comedian should be aware of.
Why Isn’t The PAR Recording Function Automatic During A CEP Performance Evaluation?
This report explains why PAR events (laughter, cheering and applause) are measured by CEP user input and is not an automatic recording function.
Situations That Can Affect Comedy Evaluator Pro Evaluations
There are several situations that can have an impact on the functionality of Comedy Evaluator Pro. This report identifies these situations and also provides some notes on performance evaluations as well.
Mobile Device Users
The Easiest Way To Get A Recording For Comedy Performance Evaluations
With the mobile ready version of Comedy Evaluator Pro, comedians can easily obtain an audio recording of a stand-up comedy performance using their smartphone and evaluate that performance on the same device (or desktop device) using CEP. This report provides information on this process.
Getting A Full Page Screen Shot For CEP Evaluations On Your Mobile Device
If you are a mobile device only CEP user, you will mostly likely want to keep a record of your performance evaluations. This report discuss the free app you can install on your smartphone to avoid having to take multiple screen shots of a detailed CEP evaluation.
Using Comedy Evaluator Pro For Live Performance Evaluations
With the mobile version of CEP, users can now conduct live performance evaluations on other comedians. This report covers the possible instances when a CEP user would want to conduct a live performance CEP evaluation.