Introducing the most powerful and objective performance evaluation app available today for comedians and comedy entertainers…

Comedy Evaluator Pro

Featured in the stand-up comedy documentary “I Am Comic” (currently available for review on Netflix)

If you are a comedian or a speaking pro and you are looking to improve your laughter response when you stand before an audience, let me ask you this:

  • Do you know how many laughs you are generating during your routine or presentation?
  • Do you know exactly how well your punchlines are working?
  • Outside casual comments about your act by other comedians like “Good job” or “Better luck next time”, do you really know what performance level you are at with your stand-up comedy routine or with your speech presentation content?

If your answer to those questions is NO, you might want to take some time to check out what Comedy Evaluator Pro may be able to do to help you objectively identify areas of improvement in your stand-up comedy routine or speech presentation content to get more laughs.

About Comedy Evaluator Pro

Comedy Evaluator Pro now an all-device compatible performance evaluation tool designed specifically for comedians.

This web page based software allows the user to objectively evaluate recorded performances and produce valuable data about the laughter, cheering and applause (PAR — Positive Audience Response) that is generated during those evaluations.

If you can operate just two simple buttons, you can generate detailed comedy performance information that allows you to:

  • Know exactly which parts of your comedy material/punchlines need improvement NOW
  • Know the true laughter generation power of your entire stand-up comedy act or presentation or any specific part of it
  • Know beyond a shadow of a doubt what overall performance level you are at
  • Establish performance benchmarks for meeting your ultimate audience laughter generation goals

Comedy Evaluator Pro can provide specific and objective data for users — information that can allow users to have a significant competitive edge over other comedians and speaking pros when it comes to targeted comedy performance improvement.

Don’t take my word for it…

You can try it for free for a full 30 days to see if Comedy Evaluator Pro can help you reach your stand-up comedy or public speaking goals.

But before you do, you might want to check out the CEP user reports available on this page.

A Few Notes Before You Continue

Comedy Evaluate Pro is a web page based software tool that adjusts to the size of the user device.

So there is nothing to download or update on any device, nor is there any personal information collected from using Comedy Evaluator Pro.

Also, your email address is used primarily to provide with your membership login details and to provide you a means to recover/reset your access password.

Any other email sent from this website will be rare and only sent when absolutely needed to pass important information affecting all users.

So you do not need to be concerned about receiving frequent emails as a result of signing up for a free Comedy Evaluator Pro membership.

Two Free Trials

The first trial period is for 7 consecutive days and will allow you to access the fully functional Comedy Evaluator Pro app immediately without any sign-up required by simply using this button (the trial period starts when you click the button):

After the 7 day trial access expires…

You can get 21 additional days of free CEP trial access by requesting a free registration link using the email address on the Contact page.

After your 21 day free trial access has expired, there are just 2 on demand payment options for additional access when needed:

7 Day Access: $3
30 Day Access: $9

There are no recurring payments associated with CEP — it is provided on an as needed basis.

Bottom line: If you are a comedian or a speaking pro and you have a smartphone, with Comedy Evaluator Pro you will have access to the most powerful tool available today to help you improve your material for more and bigger audience laughter responses.

Note: 1 year CEP access is provided for free to all Killer Stand-up Online Course Members.

Whether you decide to become a CEP Member or not…

I wish you the best and fastest success possible in your comedy adventures!

Steve Roye
Pro Comedian Trainer
Creator of Comedy Evaluator Pro

Steve Roye | Comedian | Stand-up Comedy Expert - Killer Stand-up Online Course
This page details the comedy career of comedian and stand-up comedy expert Steve Roye.