Hi ! Welcome to the Comedy Evaluator Pro Members Area. The Comedy Evaluator Pro software and associated information is provided on this page.
Comedy Evaluator Pro
Get The Most From This Valuable Software App
Why Should I Use This Software?
All the information that you need to know about the advantages of using Comedy Evaluator Pro in order to provide you with a significant advantage is provided in this detailed CEP User Report:
If that CEP User Report doesn’t answer the question of why you should consider using this software to evaluate and improve your public speaking adventures, then I wouldn’t continue further.
Know The Parts And What They Do
Using The Software
Comedy Evaluator Pro (CEP) is specifically designed to assist in evaluating recorded audio or video performances for Positive Audience Response events (PAR = laughter, cheering and applause) and to provide associated data for the purpose of targeted performance improvement.
To activate the software for a performance evaluation, click/tap the Start New Evaluation button:
The CEP Main Control Panel will appear and is ready for a performance evaluation. Next, you need to ready an audio/video recording that will be evaluated.
Once a recorded or live performance has been started and the CEP evaluation has been initiated (when the performer or speaker begins talking), the user then easily records and measures each PAR event during that performance by activating and deactivating the PAR Recorder on the CEP Control Panel as described below.
Related Report: Why Isn’t The PAR Recording Function Automatic During A CEP Performance Evaluation?
A built in YouTube player is provided below the Main Control Panel for those who may wish to evaluate YouTube performance videos. However, this YouTube player not required to conduct a performance evaluation – any audio source with the sound quality sufficient to measure and record PAR events can be used.
Below is the step-by-step process for conducting a performance evaluation once a recording or live performance has started.
Conducting A Performance Evaluation
Starting a CEP performance evaluation: At the desired time during a recorded or live stand-up comedy performance, activate the Start button (switches to Stop to conclude an evaluation) to start a performance evaluation:
Mobile Users: Tap the Start button.
Desktop Users: Click the Start button
Recording and measuring laughter, cheering and applause (PAR – Positive Audience Response) events. While listening to a recorded or live performance, activate the Record button at the beginning of each PAR event, deactivate the Record button at the end of each PAR event. The button turns green when activated, back to blue when deactivated:
Mobile Users: Tap to activate/deactivate the Record button as needed to record and measure each PAR event.
Desktop Users: Hover the mouse cursor on/off the Record button or press/release the keyboard Space Bar to record each PAR event.
Time Line. The Time Line section on the CEP Control Panel provides a visual indicator of PAR activity during a performance evaluation. PAR events are green and non PAR activity (delivery) is dark gray:
Concluding a performance evaluation. Use the Stop button to conclude a performance evaluation:
Mobile Users: Tap the Stop button.
Desktop Users: Click the Stop button or press the S key on your keyboard
Viewing the CEP evaluation report. Once the Stop button is used, a Show Report button will immediately appear at the bottom of the CEP Control Panel. Click/tap the Show Report button to display the detailed performance evaluation report:
Information on the data produced by a CEP performance evaluation is provided in The Evaluation section. Information on how to use the data provided by an evaluation is provided in the CEP User Reports section of this website.
Reset Button. This button will clear all evaluation data and ready CEP for a new performance evaluation or reevaluation of an audio or video recording:
Where The Rubber Meets The Road
Performance Evaluations
Once the user has clicked/tapped the Stop button and clicked/tapped the Show Report button on the Main Control Panel, the CEP performance evaluation report will appear.
The following screen shots provide a legend of the page functionality and data provided by the evaluation report.
Information on how to use the data provided by a CEP evaluation for performance improvement is available in the reports available on the CEP User Info page.
CEP Evaluation Report Legend
1. Top Functions. The top of the report functions are as follows:
Main Control Panel Button: Self explanatory link.
Note: An alert will appear to verify if you want to return to a reset Main Control Panel. If you confirm, your evaluation data will be cleared and you will be taken to a reset Main Control Panel ready for a new evaluation. If you cancel, you will be directed to the Main Control Panel to continue an evaluation.
Print Button: Self explanatory.
Date: Self explanatory
2. Start New and Continue buttons. If you click/tap the Continue Evaluation button, your evaluation data will be retained and you will be taken back to the Main Control Panel to continue evaluating a recorded performance where you stopped the evaluation if you so desire.
If you click/tap the Start New Evaluation button, An alert will appear to verify if you want to return to a reset Main Control Panel. If you confirm, your evaluation data will be cleared and you will be taken to a reset Main Control Panel ready for a new evaluation. If you cancel, you will remain on the evaluation page.
3. Total Eval Time. This indicates the time of the performance evaluated in minutes and seconds, based on when you clicked/tapped the Start/Stop button to start and end a performance evaluation. The PAR Score and Ave Seconds of PAR per minute are calculated based on a ration to this time measurement.
4. PAR Score. This value an overall performance indicator and is simply the average percentage of the total accumulated seconds of PAR (laughter, cheering and applause) in relation to the total performance time evaluated. For example, a PAR Score of 25 means that an average of 25% of the total performance time evaluated (or average of 15 seconds of PAR each performing minute).
Note: A minimum of 1 minute of evaluation time is required for overall PAR data (PAR Score and Average Seconds of PAR/Minute) to display. PAR event data is still available for evaluations less than 1 minute in duration:
5. Average Seconds of PAR/Minute. This value is also an overall performance indicator that is the same value as a PAR Score but represented as average seconds of PAR each minute in relation to the total performance time evaluated. For example, an average of 15 seconds of PAR each performing minute is a PAR Score of 25.
As with the PAR Score, a minimum of 1 minute of evaluation time is required for this data to display. Again, PAR event data is still available for evaluations less than 1 minute in duration. See screen shot above.
Note: Both of these overall performance indicators represent the same values and they are provided differently for user preference – some users prefer the PAR Score (Accumulated PAR time as a percentage of performance time) while others prefer the Average Seconds of PAR/Minute.
6. Detailed Analysis For Each Minute (And Partial Minute) Evaluated. Two data calculations are displayed for each minute (and partial minute) evaluated:
Number of PAR Events: This is the number of laughter, cheering or applause events that occurred during each each minute (and partial minute) evaluated.
Total Seconds of PAR: This the total accumulated seconds of PAR for each minute or partial minute. Note: There is additional data available for each evaluation minute as covered in the next screen shot below.
7. Show All Button. This button expands for each minute (or partial minute) to reveal additional data:
8. More Info Button. This button allows the user to reveal the additional data for any specific minute (or partial minute) as illustrated in the screen shot above.
9. Gig Details (Displays For Desktop Users Only). This section is provided to allow the user to input any relevant information related to the performance being evaluated for inclusion when the report is printed.
Again, information on how to use the data provided by a CEP evaluation for performance improvement is available in the reports available on the CEP User Info page.
Key Resources For The Serious
CEP User Reports
Core Reports (All Users)
How Comedy Evaluator Pro Can Give Comedians And Speaking Pros A Significant Edge
Use Your Smartphone Now To Know Objectively Just How Funny Your Stand-up Comedy Act Really Is
How Audience Dynamics Directly Impact Comedy Performance Levels
Why Isn’t The PAR Recording Function Automatic During A CEP Performance Evaluation?
Situations That Can Affect Comedy Evaluator Pro Evaluations
Mobile Device Users
The Easiest Way To Get A Recording For Comedy Performance Evaluations
Getting A Full Page Screen Shot For CEP Evaluations On Your Mobile Device
Using Comedy Evaluator Pro For Live Performance Evaluations
When Your Free Access Expires
Getting More Access
Note: 1 year of free CEP access is included with the Killer Stand-up Online Course.
Once your free 21 day CEP Member trial (or paid access) expires your Membership account remains active and when you login and you will be directed to the Stand-by Members Area. There you will find these one-time payment options to extend your access to CEP as needed:
7 Days Access: $3
30 Days Access: $9
Again, any payment for CEP access is a one time payment only (no recurring) and will provide CEP access for the time period desired.
Thank you for your interest in Comedy Evaluator Pro!